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Why Do Some Countries Drive on the Left Side of the Road with Left-hand Drive Cars?


Have you ever wondered why some countries drive on the left side of the road with left-hand drive cars? The answer lies in history and tradition.

Driving on the left side of the road dates back to the Middle Ages when most people were right-handed. Carriages and carts were often pulled by horses which were usually mounted from the left side. This meant that it was easier for the driver to sit on the right side of the vehicle so they could mount and dismount from the left side without obstructing traffic.

As technology advanced and motorcars were invented, many countries continued to drive on the left side of the road to maintain consistency with horse-drawn carriage traditions. The United Kingdom, Japan, Australia, and some countries in Africa and Southeast Asia all drive on the left side of the road with left-hand drive cars.

So, the next time you're driving on the left side of the road, remember that it's all part of a historical legacy that has stuck around for centuries.

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